Lincoln Girls Softball Association center badge

Caught In The Act

Caught in the act of good sportsmanship?

A person who displays good sportsmanship always plays fair and by the rules. They make an effort to treat opponents, coaches, teammates and umpires with respect. Sportsmanship is the golden rule of sports: You should always treat others as you want to be treated.

Did you catch somebody in an act of good sportsmanship?

Lincoln Girls Softball would love to hear about your experience so we can recognize players, coaches, fans and even umpires who exemplify good sportsmanship.

Share your stories of the positive things you see happening in our league. We will be sharing these on our Facebook page.

Fill out the form below and tell us your story.

Where did you witness good sportsmanship?
Open the calendar popup.
When did you see or experience good sportsmanship?
Coach, Player or Spectator who showed good sportsmanship.
Team/Age Division
How was good sportsmanship shown?
Your Name
Your Email
May we contact you if we have further questions?

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